China Free Trade Agreement List

China has been making leaps and bounds in the world of free trade in recent years, and one of their biggest accomplishments is their long list of free trade agreements. These agreements open up new markets and create opportunities for businesses both in China and abroad.

Here are just a few of the free trade agreements that China has in place:

1. Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA): This agreement includes Bangladesh, China, India, Laos, South Korea, and Sri Lanka, and focuses on reducing tariffs and increasing trade among participating countries.

2. China-Australia Free Trade Agreement: This agreement was signed in 2015 and has since greatly increased trade between China and Australia. It has eliminated tariffs on a wide range of goods and services, from beef and wine to education and tourism.

3. China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA): This agreement includes China and the ten countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). It covers trade in goods, services, and investment, and has reduced tariffs on a range of products.

4. China-Georgia Free Trade Agreement: Signed in 2017, this agreement is China`s first with a country in the Caucasus region. It includes reduced tariffs on a range of products, from food to industrial goods.

5. China-Switzerland Free Trade Agreement: This agreement was signed in 2013 and has greatly increased trade between China and Switzerland. It covers trade in both goods and services, and has eliminated tariffs on a wide range of products.

6. China-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement: This agreement was signed in 2008 and has since greatly increased trade between China and New Zealand. It covers trade in goods, services, and investment, and has eliminated tariffs on a wide range of products.

These are just a few of the free trade agreements that China has in place. Each one represents an opportunity for businesses to expand their reach and tap into new markets. By staying informed about these agreements, businesses can take advantage of the benefits they offer and stay ahead of the competition.

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