Microsoft Volume Licensing Academic Agreements

Microsoft Volume Licensing Academic Agreements: An Overview

Microsoft Volume Licensing Academic Agreements are special licensing agreements created for academic institutions such as schools, colleges, and universities. These agreements provide academic institutions with access to various Microsoft software products at a discounted rate.

Academic institutions can choose from three different types of licensing agreements, each with its own features and benefits. These agreements are:

1. Enrollment for Education Solutions (EES)

2. School Agreement

3. Campus and School Agreement

Enrollment for Education Solutions (EES)

The EES agreement provides academic institutions with access to a wide range of Microsoft software products, including the Microsoft Office Suite, Windows operating system, and server software. The institutions also receive additional benefits such as free training, technical support, and the ability to install the software on multiple devices.

The EES agreement is ideal for academic institutions looking to centralize their software licensing and management through a single agreement. The institutions can also choose to add Microsoft`s cloud-based services, such as Microsoft Office 365 and Microsoft Azure, to their EES agreement.

School Agreement

The School Agreement is a licensing agreement that provides academic institutions with access to basic Microsoft software products, such as the Microsoft Office Suite and Windows operating system. The institutions can also purchase additional Microsoft software products at a discounted rate.

The School Agreement is ideal for smaller academic institutions that have limited software needs. The institutions can also choose to add Microsoft`s cloud-based services to their School Agreement.

Campus and School Agreement

The Campus and School Agreement provides academic institutions with access to a wide range of Microsoft software products, including the Microsoft Office Suite, Windows operating system, and server software, at a discounted rate. The institutions also receive additional benefits such as free training, technical support, and the ability to install the software on multiple devices.

The Campus and School Agreement is ideal for medium to large academic institutions that have more complex software needs. The institutions can also choose to add Microsoft`s cloud-based services to their Campus and School Agreement.


Microsoft Volume Licensing Academic Agreements provide academic institutions with access to various Microsoft software products at a discounted rate. These agreements help academic institutions save money on software purchases, centralize their licensing and management, and receive additional benefits such as free training and technical support. Academic institutions can choose from three different types of licensing agreements, each with its own features and benefits, to meet their specific software needs.

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